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Town Board Meeting & Work Session
September 18, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Fire Safety Notification: “Fire exits are located at the rear of the board room and at the doorway to the left. If notified, please move in a calm and orderly fashion to the nearest exits”.
If anyone appearing before the Town Board has a family, financial or business relationship with any member of the Board, it is incumbent upon that person to make it known under State Law and the Town Code of Ethics.
II MINUTES Regular Town Board: September 4, 2024
III PUBLIC COMMENT ON OLD BUSINESS *4 minute time limit per resident*
1. Town Board to approve the 19-week extension of a part-time appointment in the Engineering Department.
2. Town Board to reapprove Excavation Permit #2021-02 for a 1 year extension.
3. Town Board to approve a no cost time extension for Orchard Park Little League 90’ Baseball Diamond Thorn Avenue/Duerr Road Facility (Earthwork).
V PUBLIC COMMENT ON NEW BUSINESS *4 minute time limit per resident*
1. Town Board to approve 2024 Commercial Parking Permit applications.
2. Town Board to approve a Recreation Department seasonal appointment.
3. Town Board to approve scheduled Pre-Approved paid absences in overtime calculations.
4. Town Board to approve the promotion of an Assistant Crew Chief at the Highway Department.
5. Town Board to authorize the purchase of a Toro Z-Master lawn mower for the Compost Facility.
6. Town Board to authorize the purchase of a Toro Z-Master lawn mower for the Parks and Grounds Department.
7. Town Board to approve Change Order #1 to the contract with Greenauer Blacktop Inc for the Community Activity Center Generators Installation Project.
8. Town Board to authorize the Town Supervisor to sign an agreement with TECsmith Inc. to provide professional sanitary sewer flow monitoring service for the Eaglebrook Drive Reconstruction Project.
9. Town Board to approve the appointment of a Junior Engineer to the Engineering Department.
10. Town Board to approve the appointment of a Senior Engineer Assistant to the Engineering Department.
11. Town Board to appoint Peter Lukasiewicz, Engineering Department, as EBO for Federal Grant Administration as required by NYS DOT.
12. Town Board to authorize the Town Supervisor to sign an agreement with Carmina Wood Design for Professional Construction Inspection of Berg Road Pump Station.
13. Town Board to award the Multiuse Maintenance Fuel Facility contract to L&O Mechanical Contractors.
14. Town Board to approve PIP #2024-04 for Quaker Lake Terrace Extension 18-Lot Subdivision.
15. Town Board to approve the presented site plan & authorize a Building Permit to construct a 14,400 square foot building per the recommendation of the Planning Board for:
• 4000 California Road, located on the west side of California Road, across from Ellis Road, Zoned I-1 (SBL#161.03-1-5.11)
16. Town Board to refer the following items to the Planning and Conservation Board for their review and recommendation:
• 3340 North Benzing Road, located on the west side of North Benzing Road, north of Milestrip Road, Zoned I-1. Buffalo Topsoil is requesting to reconstruct a 3,449 square foot warehouse which was destroyed in a fire, as well as adding a “self-contained wheel wash system for 10-wheelers” and reworking an existing topsoil stockpile. (SBL#152.13-3-23.3)
• 50 Cobham Drive, located on the north west corner of Cobham Drive and Big Tree Road, Zoned I-1. The Krog Group is seeking to construct a parking expansion of 98 additional parking spaces for a total of 205 parking spaces. (SBL#161.18-2-4.12)
17. Town Board to acknowledge receipt of Planning Board’s recommendation with regards to the proposed DR-2 area.
18. Approve a Building Permit for 6131 Newton Road.
VII BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR *4 minute time limit per resident*
Supervisor Eugene Majchrzak
Councilmember Joseph Liberti
Councilmember Scott Honer
Councilmember Julia Mombrea
Councilmember John Mariano
Town Clerk Remy Orffeo
Town Attorney Tim Gallagher
Building Inspector Tom Minor
Chief of Police Patrick Fitzgerald
Highway Superintendent Andrew Slotman
Town Engineer Wayne Bieler
Department Heads
County & State Representatives
• Orchard Park Fire District Proposed 2025 Budget
• Orchard Park August 2024 Building Inspectors Monthly Report
• Orchard Park 2025 Tentative Benefit Basis Budget
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Work Session Agenda (CLICK HERE)