
Zoning Board of Appeals

Zoning Board of Appeals


Lauren Kaczor Rodo

  • Title: Chairwoman

Kim Bowers

Robert Lennartz

Dwight Mateer

Robert Metz

Michael Williams

  • Title: Alternate

Councilman Gene Majchrzak

  • Title: Town Board Liaison

Anna Worang-Zizzi

Description & Duties

The function of the Town of Orchard Park Zoning Board of Appeals is to approve or deny requests for variances from the Town Code.

In 1941, the five member Zoning Board of Appeals was established by the Town of Orchard Park pursuant to New York State Law. The members are appointed by the Town Board to five year terms, with one members’ term expiring annually. An alternate is appointed with a three year term. The Zoning Board of Appeals hears and deliberates on cases from citizens seeking relief from the Town ordinances. Decisions of this Board are based on strict criteria defined by the State and may be appealed by court action. This Board may advise the Town Board regarding zoning and development issues as they deem necessary. In addition the Zoning Board of Appeals has the authority to approve the location of cell towers as per Town of Orchard Park Code.

The Zoning Board of Appeals meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at The Community Activities Center- 4520 California Road. All meetings start promptly at 7:00 p.m.