
Assessor’s Office

Assessor’s Office

Last Final Equalization Rate: 32%
Uniform Level of Assessment: 32%
Taxable Status Date: March 1
Valuation Date: July 1 – previous year
Tentative Roll: May 1
Grievance Day: 4th Tuesday of May
Final Roll: July 1
Last Revaluation: 1990
Number of Parcels in Municipality: 12,406

It is the function of the Assessor’s Office to follow the NYS Real Property Tax Law. This requires us to maintain real property inventories, and set assessments on an annual basis, to ensure the most equitable assessment possible. The town assesses at 32% of market value.

Assessment and Property Information (Click Here)

Exemption Information (Click Here)

Homeowner tax rebate credit (HTRC) Check info

Assessment Review Process (Click Here)

RP-524  – Complaint on Real Property Assessment Form

Final 2024 Roll

2024 Tentative  Roll

Town of Orchard Park Tax Maps 2024


Mission/Vision Statement

  • To serve our customers, both internal and external, in a courteous and professional manner.
  • To communicate our message in a clear and concise manner.
  • To be an office that is highly respected for its integrity and accuracy.
  • To be an office that will exceed the expectations of its customers.