
Town Clerk

Town Clerk

Mission Statement:

The Town Clerk’s office is dedicated to provide Professional, Quality Service in a Prompt, Courteous and cost-effective manner to the residents of Orchard Park, and to uphold all the responsibilities of this office in the same manner.


To view and pay the Town of Orchard Park current taxes please click this link

  • Bingo & Games of Chance Licenses

    Any organization that wishes to hold Bingo Games or Games of Chance (Casino games, Bell Jar{pull tabs} or Raffles) must register with the State and obtain an Identification number.

    Forms are available in the Town Clerk’s office or online at the site listed below.

    Fill out the forms, and bring them to the Town Clerk’s office with the appropiate fee. The request will be processed and the license mailed out to the applicant.

    Any questions, call the Town Clerk’s office


    Bingo and Games of Chance information & forms

  • Birth Certificates

    A birth certificate may only be obtained in the city, town or village in which the event took place

    A certified copy or certified transcript may be issued only:

    • To the person named on the birth certificate if 18 years of age or older
    • To the parents of the person named on the birth certificate
    • To a person with a New York State court order
    • To the lawful representative of the person named or the parents of the person named on the birth certificate

    Birth Certificates are $10.00 per copy

    Before receiving a birth certificate, a request from must be filled out at the Town Clerk’s office and the requesting party must present proof of identity

    Send completed form, along with proof of identity and relation to the individual, and a check made out to the Orchard Park Town Clerk in the amount of $10.00

  • Death Certificates

    The death certificate may be obtained through the city, town or village in which the event took place.

    To obtain a copy of a death certificate you may call our office at 716-662-6410.

    A certified copy or a certified transcript of a death certificate may be issued:

    • To the spouse, parent or child of the deceased
    • To the lawful representative of the spouse, parent or child of the deceased
    • To a person with a New York State court order issued on a showing of necessity

    **If the request is made by someone other than the spouse, parent or child of the deceased, the application or letter must be accompanied by supporting documents establishing a legal right or claim to obtain a certified copy/transcript, or a judicial or other proper purpose to obtain a certification

    Death certificates are $10.00 per copy

    Before receiving a death certificate a request form must be filled out at the Town Clerk’s office and the requesting party must present proof of identity

    Send completed form, along with proof of identity and relation to the individual, and a check made out to the Orchard Park Town Clerk in the amount of $10.00

  • Dog License

    Dog licenses can be renewed by mail or in person or by clicking here to renew online.

    To register a new dog click here for an application.

    When registering a new dog, proof of ownership, proof of rabies vaccination and neutering/spaying certificate from your veterinarian must be presented (these records will be returned to you with the license).

    The fee is $20 for a standard license or $12.00 if the dog is spayed or neutered.

    A 50% discount is offered for seniors 65 and older.

    Dog licenses must be renewed yearly.

    All dogs must be licensed after 4 (four) months of age.

  • Freedom of Information (FOIL)

    Application for Public Access to Records Pursuant to Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)

    • The Town Clerk is the Town’s Official Records Management/Records Access Officer.
    • The Town Attorney is the Records Appeals Officer.
    • Fees related to FOIL requests include:
      • Photocopies: $0.25 per sheet
      • CDs and DVDs: $5.00 each
      • Requests requiring substantial research and time: charged at hourly rate

    Please print and complete the form below and submit it to the Town Clerk’s Office in person or by mail. Please include as much information about your request as possible to ensure a complete and accurate search for the records you are requesting. This form must be submitted with ANY FOIL request.

    The Town Clerk’s Office is located at:
    4295 South Buffalo Street
    Orchard Park, NY 14127

    CLICK HERE to download the FOIL request form.

  • Hunting & Fishing Licenses

    The Town Clerk’s office issues NYS Hunting and Fishing Licenses

    Fishing Licenses are needed by all individuals age 16 and older.

    Hunting, Bow or Trapping Licenses can be issued to individuals who have completed the appropriate courses, or can show that they previously had a hunting, bow or trapping license.


    NYS DEC Fishing
    NYS DEC Hunting

  • Lions Club Loan Closet - Medical Equipment

    To contact the Lions Club Loan Closet please visit their website at:

  • Marriage Licenses

    Marriage Licenses are issued by appointment only.

    To schedule an appointment please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 716-662-6410 or [email protected]

    You must obtain your marriage license at least 24 hours before your wedding ceremony.

    Your marriage license is good for a period of no longer than 60 days.

    Both parties must apply together, in person. You must bring with you the following:

    • Birth Certificate
    • Drivers License or Passport for Picture ID
    • If either party was married before, we need to see copies of divorce decree(s) with file date, or if widowed, we need to see copy of Death Certificate

    The cost of a marriage license is $40.00, which is a New York State fee.

    Those under the age of 18 are not permitted to marry in New York State.

    No blood test is required.

    Requesting a copy of a Marriage License

    Proof of identity such as a copy of your drivers license is required to obtain a copy of a marriage license.

    The cost of a copy of a marriage license is $10.00.

    May apply for the marriage license Monday thru Friday, from 8:30am to 4:00pm.


    Getting married in New York State CLICK HERE for the NYS Dept. of Heath Marriage Guidelines.

  • Notary Public

    As official representatives of the state, Notaries Public certify the proper execution of many of the life-changing documents of private citizens – whether those diverse transactions convey real estate, grant powers of attorney, establish a prenuptial agreement, or perform the multitude of other activities that enable our civil society to function.

    Each clerk in our office is a Notary Public. You may bring your un-signed document(s), along with your driver’s license, and we can notarize your documents.

  • Tax Service

    For current and historical Tax Information click here: Orchard Park Tax Bills 2015-2023

    Erie County Real Property Tax Services 

    Welcome to the Town of Orchard Park Online Tax Payment & Search System.

    2023 Town/County taxes may be paid online using only Visa, Discover or MasterCard (2.45% service fee) or by electronic check ($1.95 flat fee). When using an electronic check please allow two weeks for processing. Service fees are collected by the web service provider, not the Town of Orchard Park.

    Tax payments are also accepted by mail or by the night deposit box located on the wall in the lobby of the Orchard Park Municipal Center, 4295 S. Buffalo St. You may safely leave your payment in the night deposit box, located in the wall, 24 hours a day.

    The clerk’s office is open Monday —Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:15 PM. We ask that you pay on-line or mail your payment in. Please help us to keep you and the town clerk’s staff safe. Do not pay in person or use cash unless it is absolutely necessary.

    Your tax payment must be received or postmarked by February 15, 2023 to avoid late penalties. On-line payments will not be accepted after April 30, 2023.

    Should you have any questions, please contact the Town Clerk’s office at 716-662­6410.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE: For a list of all exemptions available in your town you must phone the Town Assessor at 716-662-6420. You may be eligible for senior citizen tax exemptions. Senior Citizens have until March 1, 2023 to apply for such exemptions.


    Remy C. Orffeo, Town Clerk, Town of Orchard Park


    The Tax Office is responsible for billing and collection of Town/County taxes, which are due February 15th of each year (except when Feb 15th falls on a holiday), and the School taxes, which are due October 15th of each year.

    Beyond the aforementioned due dates, penalties are added in accordance with the following schedule:

    Town/County Taxes are due February 15th without penalty
    Penalties are added as follows:
    February 16 – February 28th   1.5%
    March 1 – March 15   3.0%
    March 16 – March 31   4.5%
    April 1 – April 17   6.0%
    April 18 – May 1st   7.5%

    On May 2nd, a 7.5% penalty is added to the levy, forming the base tax then due. Thereafter, interest is added to the base at the rate of 1.5% per month on the first of each month, totaling 18.78% in all, when unpaid taxes are sold in November. In participating municipalities that have extended collection until June 30, 2021, taxes unpaid by the close of business on this date will be returned to Erie County.

    School Taxes are due October 15th without penalty
    Penalties are added as follows:
    October 16 – November 1   7.5%
    November 2 – November 30   9.0%

    After November 30th, any unpaid tax and penalty are added to the County Tax Roll.


    According to the New York State Law the property owner is responsible for all taxes and penalties which may be applicable whether or not they receive a bill. REAL PROPERTY TAX LAW 922

    Town/County Taxes are due February 15th of each year.
    School Taxes are due October 15th of each year.

    There is a time lapse of approximately 4-6 weeks from the date a deed is filed with the County until the information is recorded with the ASSESSOR’S OFFICE, therefore your input is very important.

    If payment is made by mail, the Postal Service cancellation (NOT a postage meter mark) determines the date of payment. SECTION 6-7.0 OF THE ERIE COUNTY TAX ACT, PAYMENTS BEARING A U.S. POSTAL MARK OF FEBRUARY 16TH FOR (Town/County Tax) OR LATER MUST BE CHARGED A PENALTY.

    Taxes can be paid by mail with a personal check, bank draft or money order, and a paid receipt will be issued by return mail. Taxes can also be paid in person at the tax office in cash or with a personal check, bank draft or money order.


    There is a new change to the Erie County Tax Act. An opportunity is now available to those property owners who have difficulty making payments in a lump sum.

    • Any payment amount can now be accepted.
    • Penalties will apply to unpaid balances after February 15th for Town/County taxes and October 15th for school taxes according to the penalty schedule.

    Any questions, call the Town Clerk’s office at 662-6410


  • Block Party Requests
     $20.00 Non Refundable
     Two weeks
  • Commercial Parking for Stadium Events

    Costs: New: Annual fee is $100 ( up to three acres); $200 (thre to six total acres); and $300 (over six total acres).

    Approximate Time from Application to Issue: Varies

    Where to Apply:

    Town Clerk’s Office



    • Only approved entrances and exits may be used.
    • Traffic must exit in the direction determined by the Police Chief.
    • No soliciting of parking permitted on the public highway.
    • No parking lot attendant shall control traffic either in or out of the parking lot onto the public highway.
    • Parking lot must have at least one full-time attendant on duty at all times vehicles are parked in the lot.
    • All post event traffic shall move in a direction away from the stadium lot.

    Lot Control:

    • Surfaces must be maintained so as to prevent vehicles from tracking mud and debris on to the public highway.
    • No interference with drainage, natural or installed, shall be permitted.
    • Property used for commercial parking, possessed of dual-zoning must have over 50% of B-2 or I-1 zoning.
    • In areas where residential properties abut B-2 or I-1 properties, a buffer of ten (10) Feet minimum from rear or side property lot lines shall be maintained on the B-2 or I-1 properties.
    • Screening shall be provided between Residential & Business or Industrial properties.
    • Litter – all parking lots must be completely cleared and debris removed within twenty-four (24) hours after each opening of the lot for commercial parking.
    • Sanitation Facilities at least (2) sanitation facility per acre with a minimum of one per lot shall be provided by the owner.

    All signs must conform to the sign ordinance of the Town of Orchard Park (4’ sq. = 2×2)

    A survey of the property and proposed parking plan must be submitted with the application. Parking plan must be approved by the Building Inspector prior to granting of permit by the Town Clerk and after approval of the Town Board.

    NEW Annual fee is $100 (up to three acres); $200 (three to six total acres); and $300 (over six total acres). This fee is effective for one (1) year from July 1st through June 30th of the following year.

    Permit must be displayed on property during all hours of operation.

  • Handicap Parking Applications

    Costs: NO Fee

    Approximate Time from Application to Issue: Immediately

    Where to Apply:

    Town Clerk’s Office


    • Pick up a form MV-664.1at the Town Clerk’s Office or Get on line
    • Applicant fills out their portion
    • Doctor fills out their portion
    • Bring in completed application MV-664.1 along with applicant’s Driver’s License


    New York State Application for handicap parking permit
    This form is to be used for handicap parking permits.

  • Special Event Permit

    Costs: $75.00

    Additional information and fees may apply.

    If this is a permit for a race, please provide map and route including start and finish points.

    Applications need to be approved by the Town Board.

  • Stadium Event Vendor License

    Costs: $100 for Erie County Residents, $300 for Non-Resident Erie County

    Approximate Time from Application to Issue: One Week


    The Town of Orchard Park Stadium event vendor license is a license to sell goods, wares or merchandise upon privately owned parcels within a one-mile radius from the center of the stadium. The license shall be valid only on event days for a period of four hours prior to, during, and four hours after the end of the stadium event. This license shall be valid only during the time period designated on the license.

    • Form to be filled out requires a copy of applicants drivers license.
    • Products to be sold
    • Phone numbers: home, business & cell
    • Home address if resident, if non resident we need the address of where you are staying
    • For the set up site we need: address, owner, phone number of owner and owner’s signature on the permit.