
Recreation Commission

Recreation Commission


The seven member Recreation Commission was established pursuant to Town Law by the Town Board in 1998. Prior to this a Recreation Committee which met on an as needed basis to advise the Town Board, completed an initial survey of Town residents to assess recreational activities and needs in Orchard Park, and advised the Town Board of the need for a Recreation Commission. Members of the Recreation Commission are appointed to seven year terms by the Town Board. Each year one member’s term expires. The Commission’s main function is to develop a master plan for recreation, including parks, facilities and programs which meet the present and future needs of the community. The Commission is charged with providing well researched and well thought out recommendations to the Town Board to enhance and expand recreation. The members of the Commission work closely with the Recreation Director, the Town Board, the Engineering Department, the Parks and Grounds Superintendent, the Planning Board, and the Trails Task Force. In addition the Commission works to develop partnerships with various volunteer recreational groups to assist the Town in providing recreation as deemed appropriate by the Town Board.

Qualifications / Education

Must be an Orchard Park Resident

How to Apply

On this website under Boards & Committees you may download an interest form. Please fill out this form and either email, fax or send to the Municipal Center Attention Supervisor’s Office. 4295 South Buffalo Street, Orchard Park NY 14127