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Town Board Meeting and Work Session
May 15, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Town of Orchard Park
9th Town Board Meeting May 15, 2024
– Pledge of Allegiance
– Roll Call
– Fire Safety Notification: “Fire exits are located at the rear of the board room and at the doorway to the left. If
notified, please move in a calm and orderly fashion to the nearest exits”.
– If anyone appearing before the Town Board has a family, financial or business relationship with any member of the
Board, it is incumbent upon that person to make it known under State Law and the Town Code of Ethics.
II MINUTES Regular Town Board: April 17, 2024
***Proclamation Recognizing Ernest Matthews***
Presented by County Legislator John Mills
III PUBLIC COMMENT ON OLD BUSINESS *4 minute time limit per resident*
1. Town Board to approve the proposed Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to rezone V/L CMO
proposed 86 lots, 63.7 +/- acres of land known as Birdsong, Part 5, Zoned R-1, to R-1 Conservation
Overlay Management District (CMO) designation as petitioned by David Capretto, Forbes Homes.
V PUBLIC COMMENT ON NEW BUSINESS *4 minute time limit per resident*
1. Town Board to approve a Block Party.
2. Town Board to approve the resolution opposing Part O of the Governor’s 2024 Article VII Revenue Bill regarding the siting of major electric transmission facilities, also known as the “RAPID” Act.
3. Town Board to schedule a Public Hearing regarding a Local Law amending §144-5 (B) Terms
Defined for June 19, 2024 at 7:00pm in the Municipal Building of Orchard Park.
4. Town Board to schedule a Public Hearing regarding a Local Law creating a new zoning
classification D-R2 for June 19, 2024 at 7:00pm in the Municipal Building of Orchard Park.
5. Town Board to approve Daniel Hammond to a seasonal position of construction inspector in the
Engineering Department for Coventry Lane PIP for a rate of $50.00 per hour.
6. Town Board to approve Excavation, Removal and Storage of Material Permit #2024-02 to stockpile
excess soil from the OPSD Medical Building site at 250 Windward.
7. Town Board to authorize advertisement for bids for the Thorn Avenue-Duerr Road OPLL 90 ft.
Baseball Diamond construction replacing Taylor Road Field.
8. Town Board to authorize a step increase for Thomas Ostrander, Asst. Municipal Engineer.
9. Town Board to approve the 2024 Bond authorization resolution for various capital projects and the
associated SEQR resolutions.
10. Town Board to approve the appointment of a Director of the Parks and Grounds Department.
11. Town Board to approve the creation and appointment of a Working Crew Chief to the Parks and
Grounds Department.
12. Town Board to approve the appointment of Kenneth Urbanczyk to the position of Blue Collar
Laborer in the Highway Department.
13. Town Board to approve the appointment of Ryan Marino to the position of Blue Collar Laborer in
the Highway Department.
14. Town Board to approve the appointment of Mike Kane to the seasonal position of Laborer in the
Parks and Grounds Department.
15. Town Board to accept the Planning Board’s recommendation regarding Miranda Holdings Inc.
“Special Exception Use Permit.”
16. Town Board to approve the presented Site Plan and authorize a Building Permit for 200 Sterling
Drive, to construct a parking lot expansion for a net increase of 30-spaces to accommodate the
current and a future tenant, per the plan received on 3/28/2024, based on conditions and
17. Town Board to schedule a Public Hearing for the Special Execption Use request regarding V/L,
4297 & 4309 Abbott Road, located on the south east corner of Abbott & Big Tree Roads, Route
20A, across from Danny’s South, Zoned B-2 for July 3, 2024 at 7:00pm in the Municipal Building
of Orchard Park.Ellicott Development is requesting a “Special Exception Use Permit” be granted
to construct a new Gas Station with a Convenience Store Building, including a pick-up window, a
six (6) dispenser fueling canopy, and driveway access to Abbott Road. Note: Zoning Board of
Appeals granted an Area Variance on 1/16/2024; Planning Board declared themselves Lead
Agency on 5/9/2024.
VII BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR *4 minute time limit per resident*
Supervisor Eugene Majchrzak
Councilmember Joseph Liberti
Councilmember Scott Honer
Councilmember Julia Mombrea
Councilmember John Mariano
Town Clerk Remy Orffeo
Town Attorney Tim Gallagher
Building Inspector Tom Minor
Chief of Police Patrick Fitzgerald
Highway Superintendent Andrew Slotman
Town Engineer Wayne Bieler
Department Heads
County & State Representatives
– Public Hearing Notice regarding revisions to the Erie County Sanitary Code, Article XXIII,
Permitting , Inspection and Enforcement of Retail Tobacco Product Businesses, Retail Vapor
Businesses and Retail Smoking Paraphernalia Businesses. These proposed revisions are hereby
being filed pursuant to the Erie County Administrative Code, Section 5.OS(b)
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Work Session Agenda (CLICK HERE)
Town Board Meeting Agenda (CLICK HERE)
Supporting Documents (CLICK HERE)