Stormwater Management Non-Residential
Why a Stormwater Management Fee
The Town has realized to meet the regulations of the Federal EPA and the New York State DEC it must treat the stormwater management program as a service or utility that it provides to our community. This switch to funding a utility has highlighted a lack of resources available to perform the work required to reduce the pollution load and flooding issues caused by our aging infrastructure.
The Town is making the change now because of the increasing regulations from the Federal EPA and the New York State DEC. In addition, to better manage stormwater issues from climate change. This fee is a fairer way to distribute the cost. These investments will help maintain, upgrade, and scale our stormwater infrastructure to protect Orchard Park.
For additional information click on the link below:
Stormwater Management Town Wide District Fee – General Information (Click Here)
(Developed Improved Lots other than Residential Lots)
Link – Stormwater Management – Town Wide District Fee – General Information Non-Residential