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Work Session & Town Board Meeting
December 21, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call
- Fire Safety Notification: “Fire exits are located at the rear of the board room and at the doorway to the left. If notified, please move in a calm and orderly fashion to the nearest exits”.
- If anyone appearing before the Town Board has a family, financial or business relationship with any member of the Board, it is incumbent upon that person to make it known under State Law and the Town Code of Ethics.
II MINUTES Regular Town Board: December 7, 2022
III PUBLIC COMMENT ON OLD BUSINESS *4 minute time limit per resident*
Town Board to approve Change Order #1 to our Contract with Walter S. Johnson Building Co., Inc. for the Little Loop Football Announcer’s/ Storage Building & Lighting Project.
V PUBLIC COMMENT ON NEW BUSINESS *4 minute time limit per resident*
- Town Board to approve the implementation and funding of the Federal Aid and State “Marchiselli” Program-Aid eligible costs regarding the Town of Orchard Park Pedestrian Walkability, Construction of Sidewalks and Crosswalks to Improve Safe Routes to Schools.
- Town Board to approve the reappointment of Colleen Brunelle to the Board of Assessment Review.
- Town Board to schedule a Public Hearing on January 18, 2022 at 7:00PM (Local Time) regarding 3201 Southwestern Boulevard, Chase Bank is requesting a “Special Exception Use Permit”.
- Town Board to schedule a Public Hearing on January 18, 2022 at 7:00PM (Local Time) regarding 3185 Orchard Park Road, Jim’s Steak-Out is requesting a “Special Exception Use Permit”.
- Town Board to authorize the Supervisor to sign the brush collection contract with Quaker Maintenance Inc., and release bid bonds/certified checks to remaining bidders upon executing a contract with Quaker Maintenance, Inc.
- Town Board to authorize the Supervisor to sign agreement with C&S Engineers Inc. for professional services for the design of Dennis Road Bridge Project.
- Town Board to approve a pay rate increase for the following part time Senior Center employees: Maggie Sanna, Bob Kostran and Bonnie Orlow.
- Town Board to approve a pay rate increase for the following part time Community Activity Center employees: Patrick Higgins, Ethan Wood, Lynne Graham.
- Town Board to refer the following Conservation Easement request to the Conservation Board for review:
- 36 Wildwood Lane, Tommaso & Beverly Briatico, requesting a 75-Year Conservation Easement for 6-Acres.
VII BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR *4 minute time limit per resident*
Supervisor Eugene Majchrzak
Councilmember Conor Flynn
Councilmember Scott Honer
Councilmember Joseph Liberti
Councilmember Julia Mombrea
Town Clerk Remy Orffeo
Town Attorney Tim Gallagher
Building Inspector
Chief of Police Patrick Fitzgerald
Director of Recreation, Parks & Forestry Ed Leak
Highway Superintendent Andrew Slotman
Town Engineer Wayne Bieler
Department Heads
County & State Representatives
Town of Orchard Park Live Work Session and Board Meeting (Click Here)
Town of Orchard Park Board Meeting Agenda Download (Click Here)